Church Social Media Content Calendar 2024

Church & Social Media [Infographic] ChurchMag
Church & Social Media [Infographic] ChurchMag from


In this digital age, social media has become a crucial part of marketing and communication strategies for churches. Social media platforms have proven to be powerful tools for reaching out to the community, sharing information, and promoting events. However, creating a successful church social media strategy can be challenging, which is why having a content calendar is important.

What is a Church Social Media Content Calendar?

A church social media content calendar is a planning tool that helps churches organize their social media content in advance. It outlines what content will be shared and when it will be shared on various social media platforms. A content calendar ensures that the church’s social media accounts are consistently active and engaging.

Why is a Content Calendar Important?

A content calendar helps churches plan and execute their social media strategy in a more organized and efficient way. It ensures that the church’s social media accounts are consistently active, which can increase engagement, followers, and ultimately, attendance. Additionally, a content calendar helps churches avoid last-minute scrambling for content and ensures that all content is relevant and aligned with the church’s messaging and goals.

How to Create a Church Social Media Content Calendar?

The first step in creating a content calendar is to identify the church’s goals and messaging. This will help determine the type of content that should be shared on social media. Next, determine the social media platforms that the church will be using and the frequency of posts for each platform. Then, create a calendar template with dates, social media platforms, and content categories. Finally, brainstorm content ideas for each category and assign them to specific dates on the calendar.

What Should be Included in the Content Calendar?

The content calendar should include the date and time of each post, the social media platform, the type of content, and the intended audience. It should also include any relevant hashtags, links, or images. Additionally, the content calendar should be flexible and allow for changes to be made as needed.

Examples of Content Categories for a Church Social Media Content Calendar

1. Inspirational Quotes

Share quotes from the Bible, sermons, or inspirational figures that align with the church’s messaging and goals.

2. Event Promotions

Promote upcoming church events, such as services, retreats, or community outreach programs.

3. Testimonies

Share stories from church members about how their faith has impacted their lives.

4. Behind-the-Scenes

Give followers a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of the church, such as staff meetings or volunteer work.

5. Educational Content

Share educational content about the Bible, church history, or the church’s mission and values.

Question and Answer

Q: How Far in Advance Should a Church Plan their Social Media Content?

A: Churches should aim to plan their social media content at least one month in advance. This allows for ample time to brainstorm ideas, create content, and make any necessary changes before the content is posted.

Q: Can a Church Use the Same Content on Multiple Social Media Platforms?

A: Yes, a church can use the same content on multiple social media platforms. However, it’s important to tailor the content to fit the specific platform and its audience. For example, a post on Instagram may require a different image or caption than a post on Twitter.

Q: How Often Should a Church Post on Social Media?

A: The frequency of social media posts will depend on the church’s goals and the social media platforms being used. However, churches should aim to post at least once per week on each platform to stay consistently active and engaged with their followers.


A church social media content calendar is a valuable tool that can help churches stay organized and efficient in their social media marketing efforts. The content calendar should reflect the church’s goals and messaging and include a variety of content categories. By planning social media content in advance, churches can increase engagement, followers, and ultimately, attendance.

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