How Do I Forward A Google Calendar Invite 2024

How To Make A Google Calendar Invite
How To Make A Google Calendar Invite from

Google calendar is a great tool for managing your busy schedule. You can easily create events and invite people to attend them. But what if you need to forward a calendar invite to someone else? In this article, we’ll show you how to forward a Google calendar invite in 2024.

Step 1: Open your Google Calendar

The first thing you need to do is open your Google calendar. You can do this by going to your Gmail account and clicking on the calendar icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Find the Event You Want to Forward

Once you’ve opened your calendar, you need to find the event you want to forward. You can do this by scrolling through your calendar or by using the search bar to find the event.

Step 3: Click on the Event

When you’ve found the event you want to forward, click on it to open it up. You’ll see all the details of the event, including the date, time, location, and attendees.

Step 4: Click on the “More Actions” Button

Next, you need to click on the “More actions” button. This will open up a drop-down menu with a list of options.

Step 5: Click on “Forward”

From the list of options, click on “Forward”. This will open up a new window where you can add the email address of the person you want to forward the invite to.

Step 6: Add the Email Address

Enter the email address of the person you want to forward the invite to. You can also add a message if you want to include additional information or instructions.

Step 7: Click on “Send”

When you’re ready to send the invite, click on the “Send” button. The invite will be sent to the email address you entered.

Step 8: Confirm the Forward

Once you’ve sent the invite, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen. This will confirm that the invite has been forwarded to the email address you entered.

Question and Answer:

Q: Can I forward a Google calendar invite to multiple people?

A: Yes, you can forward a Google calendar invite to multiple people. To do this, simply enter the email addresses of all the people you want to invite in the “To” field of the forward window.

Q: What happens if I forward a Google calendar invite to someone who is already invited?

A: If you forward a Google calendar invite to someone who is already invited, they will receive a duplicate invitation. This can be confusing, so it’s best to check the list of attendees before forwarding an invite to make sure you’re not sending duplicates.

Q: Can I revoke a forwarded Google calendar invite?

A: No, once you’ve forwarded a Google calendar invite, you can’t revoke it. The person you forwarded the invite to will have access to all the details of the event, including the date, time, location, and attendees.


Forwarding a Google calendar invite is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily forward invites to anyone who needs them. Just remember to double-check the list of attendees before forwarding an invite to avoid sending duplicates.

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