How To Propose A New Time Google Calendar 2024

How to Propose a New Time for a Google Calendar Event
How to Propose a New Time for a Google Calendar Event from


Google Calendar has become an essential tool for scheduling meetings, events, and appointments. However, there may be times when you need to propose a new time for a scheduled event. This can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to propose a new time on Google Calendar 2024.

Step 1: Access Your Google Calendar

The first step is to access your Google Calendar. You can do this by opening your Google account and clicking on the calendar icon. Once you’re on your calendar, you can select the event for which you want to propose a new time.

Step 2: Click on the Event

Once you’ve selected the event, click on it to open the event details. On the event details page, you will see the date and time of the current event.

Step 3: Propose a New Time

To propose a new time for the event, click on the “Propose a New Time” button. This will bring up a new window where you can select a new date and time for the event.

Step 4: Send the Proposal

Once you’ve selected the new date and time, click on the “Send” button to send the proposal to the event attendees. The attendees will receive an email notification with the new proposed date and time.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I propose a new time for a recurring event?

A: Yes, you can propose a new time for a recurring event. When you select the event, you will see the option to select “This Event” or “All Events.” If you select “All Events,” the new time proposal will apply to all future occurrences of the event.

Q: What happens if the attendees don’t respond to the new time proposal?

A: If the attendees don’t respond to the new time proposal, the event will remain scheduled for the original date and time. You can send a reminder to the attendees to encourage them to respond to the proposal.

Q: Can I cancel a new time proposal?

A: Yes, you can cancel a new time proposal if you change your mind. To do this, select the event and click on the “Cancel Proposal” button.


Proposing a new time on Google Calendar 2024 is a simple process that can save you time and hassle. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily propose a new time for an event and keep everyone on the same page.

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