Outlook Share Calendar With My Organization 2024

Sharing a calendar and opening a shared calendar in Outlook
Sharing a calendar and opening a shared calendar in Outlook from confluence.salisbury.edu


As businesses continue to evolve and remote work becomes more common, it’s important to have effective ways to communicate with your team. One way to do this is by sharing your Outlook calendar with your organization. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it in 2024.

Why Share Your Calendar?

Sharing your calendar is a great way to keep your team informed about your schedule, reduce scheduling conflicts, and improve collaboration. By sharing your calendar, you can also see when others are free or busy, making it easier to schedule meetings and appointments.

How to Share Your Calendar

To share your calendar in Outlook 2024, follow these steps: 1. Open Outlook and go to your calendar. 2. Click the “Share” button in the top toolbar. 3. Choose the calendar you want to share and select “Share Calendar”. 4. Choose the level of access you want to give your team members (e.g. Can view when I’m busy, Can view titles and locations, Can view all details). 5. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with. 6. Click “Send”.


Q: Can I revoke access to my calendar? A: Yes, you can revoke access to your calendar at any time by going to the “Calendar Permissions” section and removing the email addresses of the people you no longer want to share your calendar with. Q: Can I share multiple calendars? A: Yes, you can share multiple calendars in Outlook 2024. Simply repeat the steps above for each calendar you want to share.

Tips for Sharing Your Calendar

Here are some tips to make sharing your calendar more effective: 1. Be clear about the level of access you’re giving your team members. 2. Only share the calendars that are relevant to your team. 3. Update your calendar regularly to ensure accuracy. 4. Consider using color-coding to make it easier to differentiate between appointments and events.


Sharing your calendar with your organization is a great way to improve communication and collaboration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily share your calendar in Outlook 2024. Don’t forget to follow the tips to make it more effective!

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